Why Whining Works

A black and white image shows a young child in a polka dot shirt and bow tie, whining with eyes closed and arms outstretched. The text reads "Why Whining Works" at the top and "FaithFirstParent.com" at the bottom.

The simple answer to “Why do kids whine?” is whining works. When the volume and intensity increase the easiest way to make it stop is to give in. When parents and grandparents give in, the message is, “WHINING WORKS”. Five Tips to Stop Whining 1. Have a plan in place. Know what you will do…

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Why Kids Need Virtues Training

Kids need virtues training. Why? Because no one wants to spend time with poorly behaved kids or adults for that matter. • Virtue is moral excellence and exhibition of good behavior. • Virtue is universal and highly recognized by all cultures of the world. • Virtues are basic qualities necessary for well being and happiness. Moral excellence…

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The Art of Making Friends

Friends are a blessing and a JOY! As parents, we want our kiddos to make friends and keep friends. The art of friendship begins at home with mom and dad modeling relational skills and guiding sibling friendships. When children head out into the world of school, sports, church, and other activities, Mom and Dad can…

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Spanking Considerations for Parents

In a black and white photo, a weathered hand gently clasps a child's as they stroll along a cobblestone path, inviting reflections on parenting decisions like spanking considerations. The child’s light curls contrast with their white shirt against the adult's dark sleeve.

To spank or not to spank kids. Mention spanking and you’ll get a variety of responses. “I would never hit my child,” stated one mom firmly in a parenting class. Another mom responded, “It’s the most effective form of discipline I use.” Two ends of the spectrum. Is spanking okay? The answer is, “Sometimes.” Children…

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Do Manners Matter?

Child's hands, with a hint of mischief, hold and spill colorful jellybeans onto a light wooden table. Scattered beans in red, blue, yellow, green, and orange spread joyously as if defying all manners of neatness across the surface.

Manners are powerful, both good manners and poor manners. Think about it. Would you rather hang out with a friend who is polite or rude? Society may focus on the crass and unruly, but respect and polite behavior will always be in style. Teaching manners goes far beyond please and thank you. And it is…

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