The Art of Making Friends

Friends are a blessing and a JOY! As parents, we want our kiddos to make friends and keep friends. The art of friendship begins at home with mom and dad modeling relational skills and guiding sibling friendships. When children head out into the world of school, sports, church, and other activities, Mom and Dad can continue to assist children to build relationships.

Tips for Parents to Help Children Make Friends

  1. Model friendship making skills. Practice empathy by listening and showing concern. Have fun with your own friends and your children.
  2. Express interest in coaches, teachers, babysitters, and others you relate to when you are out and about. Express genuine interest in those you engage with throughout the day.
  3. Role play polite behaviors and with children. Practice introducing yourself and using good manners.
  4. Turn off your cell phone and other electronic devices. Use good listening skills: eye contact, asking questions, non-verbal communication (head nod, smile, etc.), and repeating to acknowledge understanding.
  5. Play with your children! Play is the BEST way to practice every friendship skill (sharing, kindness, laughter, fun, problem solving, communicating, etc.)

© 2019 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash