Little Authors and Illustrators

Little Authors and Illustrators

Reading books with children is fabulous! From developing pre-reading skills to enjoying family time, books are wonderful tools. Creating books is terrific too, with kids as the authors and illustrators. Use imagination and creativity to add personally “published” books to your families library with these ideas. Have your child dictate a story to you. Read…

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Encouraging Summer Reading

A young girl with braided hair sits at a table, deeply immersed in reading "Hop on Pop" by Dr. Seuss. The background is softly lit, and text on the right side reads, "Encouraging Summer Reading." Website URLs are at the bottom.

Encouraging summer reading can be difficult. Sometimes kids need a little incentive to read during the summer months. Here’s a tried and true idea to get kids motivated and reading…Book Bingo! There are kids who are naturally drawn to books. I was one of these kids; flashlight under the pillow, a few books going at…

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Gratitude is an Attitude

A flat lay image features pink roses on the left, alongside a pink journal, a blue notebook, a pencil, and an eraser. At the center, the text "Gratitude is an Attitude" from gracefully ties it all together.

Gratitude is an attitude to practice. Developing an attitude of gratitude personally and in kids can be daunting. Considering the past months of togetherness as family and fear of the unknown, being grateful is a tall order. But the benefits are well worth it! Try these seven ideas for an attitude of gratitude in your…

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Quiet Time for Little Kids to Rest

A little kid in a white tank top and striped pants stands curiously exploring books in a wooden crate. Sunlight fills the scene, casting warmth as a cozy blanket drapes from a nearby chair, with a few books playfully scattered across the floor.

Quiet Time is a gift for parents. It’s also a gift for little kids! After a busy morning followed by lunch, an opportunity to rest and rejuvenate is good for everybody- adults, little kids, and everyone in between. There’s a reason “peace” and “quiet” are often stated together! Try these tips to incorporate Quiet Time…

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Top 10 Tips to Summer Learning

A joyful child in a white t-shirt runs through a spray of water in a sunlit park, learning the art of play. The droplets create a golden, shimmering effect in the background, capturing a moment of playful happiness.

Use these ten tips to keep your kids engaged and learning during the summer months. Write all ten words on a chalkboard or whiteboard. Try to intentionally incorporate as many of the top ten as possible each week. READ Read as much as you can as often as you can to your children. WRITE Print letters,…

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Top 10 Tips to Inspire Learning this Summer

Summer.. fun, sun, and time to play! But don’t let the learning slide. Here are ten tips to inspire your children to keep the learning alive over the summer months. READ Read as much as you can as often as you can to your children. Spend time at the library. Your children can have their…

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Spark Imagination & Conversation

Books spark the imagination of a child and can also ignite conversations dealing with issues of morals, values, and faith. Snuggle up with your children and a few good books. Becky’s Family Favorites for Fall   Pumpkin Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington, Tractor Mac at Harvest Time by Billy Steersh, Harvest Time by Mercer Mayer, Apple Picking Time by Michele B.…

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Raising a Bookworm

A person wearing a denim jacket and jeans sits on a wooden bench, embodying the spirit of a true bookworm as they write in a notebook. They're outdoors in front of a large tree, with dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves, creating a peaceful setting.

The summer months are a great time to dig into books, just for the joy of reading. What better way to spend sultry summer afternoons than with a good book in a backyard hammock? The local library is a great source of endless adventures to entice the imagination in children of all ages. Give your…

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