I’m TOO Busy! What are Your Priorities?

A bustling city street with blurred pedestrians moving in every direction. Buildings and trees line the path. Overlay text asks: "Too Busy? What are Your Priorities?" Visit FaithFirstParent.com for insights.

Why is BUSY worn like a badge of honor? Yes, it’s great to do noble things like helping at school, teaching Sunday school, leading the Brownie troop, serving on the PTA. The question I have for you is, what are your priorities and what in your busyness brings you joy? And I ask from a place…

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A Plan for Mom

A white cup of cappuccino with heart-shaped latte art rests on a rustic wooden table, echoing the warmth of a mom's love, beside two closed notebooks—one white, one brown. A black pen lies alongside them, ready to jot down cherished memories.

The backpacks are packed, the forms are submitted, the kiddos are off and running. After weeks of preparing for the beginning of the school year for your children, take time to plan your fall. Pour yourself a cup of coffee, catch your breath, and contemplate these areas of enrichment. Just for you! Proactive Plan for…

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Siblings: 10 Pointers for Positive Relationships

Sisters and brothers… SIBLINGS. Home is the place where we learn many life lesson, especially from our siblings. Relationship lessons, how to get along with others, solve problems, practice friendship skills, and resolve conflicts, are all acquired one way or another at home. How well the lessons are taught is up to the parents. Just…

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Taking Care of YOU When the Kids Go Off to School

If you felt a tug at your heart when the kids got on the bus, you are not alone. Some moms are sad by the quick passing of the summer months and the advancement in the years marked by kids in school. Others are thrilled to finally have a moment to themselves after a busy,…

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