Valentine's Day…Just for Love

Valentine’s Day is my very favorite holiday. Christmas is beautiful, celebrating the birth of Jesus. Easter is magnificent, rejoicing in the Risen Savior. Valentine’s Day too, is all about love. February 14th is a quieter holiday, one set aside for loving each other.

Valentine’s Day is an exciting day for kids! I taught kindergarten and first grade for a number of years. The boxes that would arrive at school the day of the valentine exchange were works of art. Some were simple, covered with construction paper and converstion heart candy glued to a shoebox. Others were elaborate, covered with fancy doilies and metallic stickers. Each box as unique as the child carrying it through the classroom door. After the party, the children would take their boxes home loaded with valentines. Some to be treasured, some to be tossed.

I cannot throw away valentines from my three men. I have every card Scott and the boys have given me over the years. They are love letters. Scott’s contain messages of commitment and love…along with a few humorous cards. The boys’ cards are a timeline beginning with messy Xs and Os with names scrawled in crayon to notes written in cursive, just for me. Children grow up so quickly. That’s one of the reasons I keep the cards. They provide a quick trip down memory lane. Not too long ago, they were little boys making valentine boxes to carry to school anticipating the big valentine party.

May you be blessed this Valentine’s Day with the knowledge that God loves you… everyday!

© 2012 Becky Danielson. All rights reserved.

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Photo by Johnny Brown on Unsplash