Are Our Children Living in Spiritual Poverty?
Are our children living in spiritual poverty? Poverty comes in many shapes and sizes. Financial poverty is the most visible. Experiential poverty results from limiting learning experience. But what about when we neglect faith matters and lead children to spiritual poverty? Spiritual poverty results when we as parents leave faith formation up to the church. I’ve…
Read MoreCommon Man, Extraordinary Call
Common Man, Extraordinary Call: Thriving as the Dad of a Child with Special Needs is an authentic and encouraging book for all parents of special needs kids but especially dads. Jeff Davidson and his wife Becky tackle the reality of raising a special needs child with honesty and practicality. Their story is told with courage and…
Read More7 Gifts of Eternal Love for Our Kids
We give our kids so many things, material things. How about giving gifts to your children that will last a lifetime, eternal gifts? 7 Eternal Gifts of Love on Valentine’s Day ❤Unconditional Love Loving through the difficult times, accepting others as they are created, and forgiving when necessary shows children they are valued and loved.…
Read MorePrayers for Your Kids from the Bible
Christian parents have two incredibly powerful tools for parenting our children, the Bible and prayer. Prayer is one-on-one conversation with the Creator of the universe who can do immeasurably more than we can imagine. The dreams we have for our lives and the lives of our children cannot compare to the plans the Lord has for…
Read MoreSpanking Considerations for Parents
To spank or not to spank kids. Mention spanking and you’ll get a variety of responses. “I would never hit my child,” stated one mom firmly in a parenting class. Another mom responded, “It’s the most effective form of discipline I use.” Two ends of the spectrum. Is spanking okay? The answer is, “Sometimes.” Children…
Read MoreTop Ten Technology Tips for Parents
Do you need guidance in making tech decisions for your family? Are your tweens and teens seemingly addicted to their technology devices? “Technology is the number one reason parents believe it is harder than ever to raise children.”1 I believe the research and statistics. As a mom of two young men, I’ve walked the tech tightrope.…
Read MoreTOO Busy? 3 Tips for Over-Scheduled Families
2019… a new calendar with loads of space, but not for long in most families. Over-scheduling is an ever-growing trend in our culture because kids have too many activities, too much homework, and too many social media outlets vying for their attention. We as parents aren’t much better. Between work, family and other obligations, we’re running…
Read MoreHow to Survive Challenging Children on HIM4HER Radio
Let’s face it, all children are challenging. Join HIM4Her Radio host Shug Bury with co-host Regan Kramer as the three of us discuss this hot parenting topic! As a result, you will be encouraged! Click on the link to listen to the podcast of the show. How to Survive Challenging Children HIM4Her Radio Connect with…
Read MorePlay is Practice for Life Skills: Preschool
According to Fred Rogers, minister, television personality, and author, “Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” When children play, they are practicing and learning about new skills and concepts. Playtime puts these life skills into practice. Preschool play-based programs are incredibly beneficial for young children, integrating playtime to incorporate intentional and…
Read More5 Tips to Equip an Anxious Child
The plan was to get the group of old college friends together over the holidays. You’d been looking forward to it for weeks, regaling the kids with stories of all the fun you had in school and assuring them of a host of new friends. A great time for everyone! But when you arrived at…
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