Top Ten Tips for Nurturing Generosity

Gratitude and generosity are kindred virtues. Nurture your children through modeling a grateful and giving spirit. When we are thankful we are much more willing to be generous. As parents, we know training kids to be generous can be a bit overwhelming. It’s difficult to get kids to even share with their siblings, much less…

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Nurturing Kindness

Kindness, empathy, helpfulness, compassion, and love are a part of how we care for others. Children who are nurtured in caring families are more likely to become kind adults. Make kindness and compassion part of the fabric of your family life. Ten Tips to Encourage Kindness  Praise kind actions and words. We are often quick…

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The Art of Making Friends

Friends are a blessing and a JOY! As parents, we want our kiddos to make friends and keep friends. The art of friendship begins at home with mom and dad modeling relational skills and guiding sibling friendships. When children head out into the world of school, sports, church, and other activities, Mom and Dad can…

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Siblings: 10 Pointers for Positive Relationships

Sisters and brothers… SIBLINGS. Home is the place where we learn many life lesson, especially from our siblings. Relationship lessons, how to get along with others, solve problems, practice friendship skills, and resolve conflicts, are all acquired one way or another at home. How well the lessons are taught is up to the parents. Just…

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