Freedom of Speech vs. Love and Respect

Heart-shaped string lights on a surface with the text: "Freedom of Speech vs. Love & Respect," highlighting the delicate balance between freedom and compassion. Visit "" and "" for more insights.

Is anyone else tired of watching the news, reading social media, and listening to talk radio or podcast? It boils down to freedom of speech verses love and respect. Everyone seemed to have an opinion. Yes, we have freedom to speak and the right to assemble, but what part of our constitutional right of free…

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A child sits at a table, holding a colorful toy camera up to their face. In the background, shelves are brimming with toys and books. The words "Sharing" and "" are gently overlaid, capturing a moment of playful exploration.

Children refusing to share is a common frustration for a lot of parents. Moms and dads are surprised and disappointed by their child’s behavior because hoarding and selfishness are not on the list of attributes one wants to instill in a child. But kids can be taught to share and like it! Use these ideas…

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Five Tips to Instill Respect

Two children with braided hair sit together in a hammock, respecting the tranquility of the sunlit river view. The text reads "Five Tips to Instill Respect" and "" in pink, capturing the essence of serenity and learning outdoors.

Respecting others in thought, word, and deed is a foundational virtue to instill in young children. When respect reigns in the family, children learn to be kind and thoughtful to others. It’s a simple fact, adult behaviors are the direct model for kids. The antithesis of respect is rudeness and disrespect. With young children, disobedience…

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A Time to Serve Others

Well, this probably finds you at a time where you are “done” homeschooling, but there is still much of the semester left. Maybe you’re “done” cooking and preparing every single meal for your family. Perhaps, you are just exhausted and the only place you can find rest is if you lock yourself in the bathroom…

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Nurturing Kindness

Kindness, empathy, helpfulness, compassion, and love are a part of how we care for others. Children who are nurtured in caring families are more likely to become kind adults. Make kindness and compassion part of the fabric of your family life. Ten Tips to Encourage Kindness  Praise kind actions and words. We are often quick…

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The Art of Making Friends

Friends are a blessing and a JOY! As parents, we want our kiddos to make friends and keep friends. The art of friendship begins at home with mom and dad modeling relational skills and guiding sibling friendships. When children head out into the world of school, sports, church, and other activities, Mom and Dad can…

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