Grandparents, Family History Bridge Builders

Grandparents are Family History Bridge Builders

A special thank you to guest blogger, grandfather, and author Jim Doudiet for sharing his thoughts and experiences to encourage and inspire grandparents to connect with their grandchildren. . Grandparents can be fantastic family history bridge builders. They are the bridge between the past with their own memories of their parents and grandparents to the…

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10 Ten Tips for Family Relationships

A group of ten people stands together outdoors on a grassy area with trees in the background, embodying the spirit of family relationships. Casually dressed, they appear content and united. The text at the top reads "10 Tips for Family Relationships," with two website URLs displayed below.

Family relationships can be challenging, extremely challenging. Why is it the people we’re related to are often the most difficult to get along with in life? The home is the training ground for life, including relational skill building. Parents and grandparents, we are the influencers. Our interactions become the norm for children. Building family relationships,…

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Get Yourself Some Girlfriends, Godly Girlfriends

Four women stand in a field of tall grass, facing away from the camera, forming heart shapes with their hands. The text reads, "Get Yourself Some Godly Girlfriends" and "" above and below the group.

Mom, do you have an inner circle of Jesus-loving, godly girlfriends? If not, I highly recommend pursuing relationships where you can be transparent, authentic, and vulnerable. Choose friends that value you as divinely created, blessed, and precious in God’s eyes. I love my inner circle fiercely. My prayer warrior girlfriends have seen me at my best…

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Lockdown Grandparenting

An elderly couple sits side by side on a stone path, wearing hats, with a scenic view of greenery and hills in the background. Text reads "Lockdown Grandparenting: Navigating Life's Scenic Paths" at the top from

Guest blogger, Carol Olsen, is passionate about grandparents speaking into the lives of their grandchildren. Connecting with grandchildren in the midst of a pandemic and lockdowns can be challenging, but can creatively be done. Watch for more ideas from Carol in future posts on Faith First Parent. And please share with your family and friends! …

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8 Strategies for Great Family Gatherings

A welcoming table setting with white plates, silverware, and glasses graces the wooden table. A green leafy garland intertwined with small candles centers the scene, offering a warm ambiance. Follow these 8 tips for great family gatherings to create an inviting atmosphere for everyone.

There’s at least one in every family. The uncle who consistently asks inappropriate questions, the aunt without kids who’s an expert in childrearing, or the cousin with extreme political views who insists on a debate during holiday meals. Fortunately, we can choose our friends. Relatives we need to learn to live with; the good, the…

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7 Tips for a Neighborhood Friendly Halloween

Two neighborhood children are joyfully carving pumpkins at a table. The girl, wearing a floral dress, pulls out seeds, and the boy in a blue shirt holds pumpkin pulp. Cookies and fruits adorn the table as "Halloween" shines brightly in the background.

Do you know the families in your neighborhood? Maybe you’re new to the area. Perhaps your little one is going trick-or-treating for the first time, so the holiday is a bit more exciting. Be intentional this Halloween in connecting with the neighbors, both the children and the parents who come to the door by using…

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10 Tips for a THRIVING Marriage

A couple's hands are cupped together, holding Scrabble tiles spelling "FOREVER" as a symbol of their marriage. They stand on grass, with the woman in a crochet top and bracelets, while the man sports a yellow wristband.

“Dinner table discussions are all about the kids; homework, sports, and chores.” “We never have a moment to ourselves.” “Sometimes I look at my spouse and wonder, ‘When did we lose the spark?’” Let’s face it, marriage is hard. It’s like any relationship, a person needs to communicate and spend time with the other person.…

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Siblings: 10 Pointers for Positive Relationships

Sisters and brothers… SIBLINGS. Home is the place where we learn many life lesson, especially from our siblings. Relationship lessons, how to get along with others, solve problems, practice friendship skills, and resolve conflicts, are all acquired one way or another at home. How well the lessons are taught is up to the parents. Just…

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Romance and Love

Valentine’s Day. A day to focus on important relationships… friends, family, and that special someone. It’s for sweets, treats, and love. In honor of Valentine’s Day and my favorite valentine, Scott, I’m sharing my Top Ten Married Life Lessons. I hope the list encourages you in your marriage relationship. May God bless you abundantly, xoBecky…

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First Friends: Encouraging Positive Sibling Relationships

Top Ten Tips for Encouraging Positive Sibling Relationships “Home is where the heart is.” Hopefully… How many times have you heard that adage and felt like it’s not necessarily your house at the moment, this week or even this year? There are few greater things than to have family members that are not only civil…

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