Powerful Prayers for Kids

Powerful Prayers for Kids

Powerful prayer is a parent’s best tool to both encourage and protect our kids. Start the day covering your children of all ages with blessings and love as they head out the door, off to school, and into the world. Daily prayer becomes a great habit, for the whole family. Incorporate scripture into the prayer.…

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12 Tips for Transitioning to Kindergarten

A table with wooden letters and colorful Play-Doh containers sets the scene for kindergarten. Text overlay reads, "12 Tips for Transitioning to Kindergarten," with "FaithFirstParent.com" at the bottom right.

Kindergarten, it’s a big deal for children! Some kids transition well into the next stage of their education. Others are comfortable at preschool and would prefer not to change schools or classrooms! And other kids vacillate between excitement and hesitancy. With all kids, acknowledge the emotions that go into the kindergarten transition. Taking the time…

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10 Considerations in Choosing an Elementary School

A young girl with a pink bow in her hair focuses intently as she writes at a classroom desk. Text on the image reads "10 Considerations in Choosing an Elementary School" and directs you to FaithFirstParent.com for more insights.

There are a number of considerations in choosing an elementary school. The process can be a nerve-racking experience for parents. Public or private? Faith-based or secular? Large school or smaller school? Moving from a preschool your child liked, with a teacher you’ve come to know and love can make it even harder for both you…

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10 Tips for Terrific Parent-Teacher Conferences

Link image to https://faithfirstparent.com/10-tips-for-terrific-parent-teacher-conferences/

Fall conferences provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to collaborate as a team to discuss the curriculum as well as the specific needs of your child. Make the most of fall preschool and elementary school conferences with these ten tips for terrific parent-teacher conferences. Keep ins mind, your child’s teacher is well trained and…

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Relieve Your Child’s Stress…Tell the Teacher!

Tell the teacher about difficult circumstance to help relieve your child’s stress at school. Begin by getting acquainted with the staff at your child’s school, most importantly, the classroom teacher. Take the time to share anything that would help with the transition to school. Inform the teacher of circumstances that may be stressful, upsetting or…

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Benefits of Intentional Friendships for Parents

Two women, intentionally capturing the moment, smile while taking a selfie together. One with straight black hair in a striped top, the other with curly hair in a white blouse, they radiate joy in the bright indoor setting.

A new school year is about to begin! Kids are ready to jump into learning and fun. Parents are ready to get back into a regular schedule. It’s exciting to watch children prepare not only for another academic year, but a classroom of new friends. The same can be said for parents. New volunteer prospects,…

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15 Helpful Questions for Spring Conferences

Link image to https://faithfirstparent.com/helpful-questions-spring-conferences/

Spring conferences are incredibly valuable to you as a parent to discuss your child’s social, emotional, physical, and academic growth. You and the classroom teacher, as well as other specialists in your child’s school, have been collaborating as a team since school began in the fall. Compare notes and make a plan for summer learning…

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I'm a Capable Tween, Right? Middle School Angst

Link image to https://faithfirstparent.com/tween-middle-school-angst/

Middle school tweens, they are not youngsters anymore but not yet teenagers. Behaviors often vacillate between the two! Moving to middle school from the security of elementary school can be exciting or daunting. The resulting anxiety can be minimal or overwhelming. Although separation anxiety usually occurs in younger children, the angst associated with being apart from…

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